
Stay Cool and Bug-Free While Hunting

Hunting is a popular pastime for many people, providing an opportunity to connect with nature and test your skills. However, it can also be a challenging and uncomfortable experience if you’re not prepared. In this article, we’ll provide some tips and tricks for staying cool and bug-free while hunting, ensuring a more enjoyable and successful hunt.

Dress for the Occasion

Choosing the right clothing for hunting is crucial. Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics that will keep you cool, such as moisture-wicking t-shirts and shorts. Avoid dark colors, as they absorb heat, and opt for light or neutral tones that blend in with your surroundings. Don’t forget to wear a hat to protect your head and face from the sun, and sturdy, comfortable boots to keep your feet dry and protected.

For rainy season having quality hunting rain gear is essential to staying dry and comfortable while hunting in the rain.

Use Insect Repellent

Bugs can quickly ruin a hunt, so it’s essential to protect yourself with insect repellent. Choose a product that contains DEET, which is highly effective in keeping mosquitoes and other biting insects at bay. Apply it to all exposed skin, and reapply as needed throughout the day.

Here are the 10 most commonly used hunting insect repellents :

  1. DEET: DEET is a highly effective insect repellent that has been used for over 60 years. It is available in a variety of concentrations, ranging from 5% to 100%. Higher concentrations provide longer protection.
  2. Picaridin: Picaridin is a synthetic insect repellent that is similar in effectiveness to DEET but has a milder scent and is less likely to damage plastic or synthetic materials.
  3. Permethrin: Permethrin is a synthetic insecticide that is used to treat clothing and gear. It kills ticks and mosquitoes on contact and provides long-lasting protection.
  4. Citronella: Citronella is a natural insect repellent that is derived from the leaves of lemongrass. It has a pleasant scent and can be applied to the skin or used in candles or other products.
  5. Lemon Eucalyptus: Lemon eucalyptus is a natural insect repellent that is derived from the leaves of the lemon eucalyptus tree. It has been found to be as effective as DEET in repelling mosquitoes.
  6. IR3535: IR3535 is a synthetic insect repellent that is effective against mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects. It has a mild scent and is gentle on the skin.
  7. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus: Oil of lemon eucalyptus is a natural insect repellent that is derived from the oil of the lemon eucalyptus tree. It is as effective as DEET and has a pleasant scent.
  8. Geraniol: Geraniol is a natural insect repellent that is derived from plants such as geraniums and lemongrass. It is effective against mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects.
  9. Catnip Oil: Catnip oil is a natural insect repellent that is derived from the leaves of the catnip plant. It has been found to be more effective than DEET in repelling mosquitoes.
  10. Cedar Oil: Cedar oil is a natural insect repellent that is derived from cedar trees. It repels mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects and has a pleasant scent.

Stay Hydrated

Staying cool while hunting is essential, especially if you’re hunting in warm weather. Bring plenty of water with you to stay hydrated and prevent heat exhaustion. If you’re hunting in a remote location, consider bringing a water filtration system or water purification tablets to ensure a safe and reliable source of water.

Take Breaks in the Shade

When the heat becomes too much, take a break in the shade to cool down. Find a spot under a tree or in a shady area, and rest for a few minutes. Use this time to reapply sunscreen and insect repellent, drink some water, and regroup before continuing your hunt.

Plan for the Weather

Keep an eye on the weather forecast before heading out on your hunt. If there’s a chance of rain, bring a raincoat or poncho to stay dry. If the forecast calls for high temperatures, plan your hunt for early in the morning or later in the afternoon when it’s cooler. Be prepared for any weather conditions that may arise.

Avoid bugs

One effective method for repelling mosquitoes and biting flies while minimizing game disturbance is by using a ThermaCELL unit. This device produces minimal odor and can be turned on and off as needed to reduce scent. It’s also recommended to operate the unit before and after peak whitetail activity periods to further minimize odors.

Staying cool and bug-free while hunting is essential for a successful and enjoyable experience. Dress appropriately, use insect repellent, stay hydrated, take breaks in the shade, and plan for the weather. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well-prepared for your next hunting adventure. Happy hunting!